GPT chat, Artificial intelligence and other revolutionary technologies are the new hot topics attracting the attention of millions and promoting new #tech gurus and futurists.
However, I do believe that the single most important skill of the future that is greatly underestimated is building human 2 human connection. We desire to be seen, heard and recognized, and at same time we have difficulty listening with empathy, being vulnerable, connecting and building trust.
Therefore, I decided to bring this topic on the agenda of the conference organized by Centrum Kreatywności Targowa | Targowa Creativity Centre in Warsaw, Poland for professionals in the creative industry.
I started my keynote with an eye gazing experiment inspired by Marina Abramovic’s 2010 performance at the #MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York. 200 people remained silent, looking into each other’s eyes, with care and presence. It was only 90 seconds, but it changed everything. The atmosphere in the room changed, people started to interact, exchange experiences, ask questions.
I talked about 3 elements of building H2H connection in business
1️⃣ STARTING WITH WHY. Most people talk about what they do and how they stand out from others / the competition. However, th most inspiring people say what they believe and what drive them to do what they do. As Simon Sinek famously said “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it and what you do simply proves what you believe”
2️⃣ CONNECTED LISTENING. More listening than talking. Listening without (a personal) agenda. Listening to understand. Listening with empathy, with open ears, eyes, heart and undivided attention.
3️⃣ GIVING VALUE. Challenging or inspiring others to achieve more. Sharing ideas, customer stories, valuable content and contacts.
Building deep and authentic #h2h #relationships will help you become a trusted advisor, partner and even friend of your clients. The lack of the ability to establish interpersonal connection may result in perceiving you as an easy-to-replace supplier of goods and commodities.
That’s why I proposed changing the famous marketing slogan “Differentiate or die” to “Connect or die”.
#business #future #creativity #skillsofthefuture #empathy #vulnerability #communication #relationshipbuilding