Communicate2Influence Teaching the MBA: Lessons for Leaders and Educators Stepping into my first MBA classroom eight years ago, I thought authority and expertise were all I needed to inspire change. What I found instead was a room full of brilliant professionals pushing back, challenging me to rethink everything I knew about teaching - and leadership. In this article I share some surprising lessons that have reshaped my approach both in the classroom and busienss. Read more
Thoughts When you are stuck on the road Today I want to share with you a story about overcoming weakness.
in Polish Storytelling dla liderów zmian Jak komunikować zmiany, aby ludzie chcieli za nimi podążać? Jak budować zespół ambasadorów, którzy będą pociągać za sobą innych? Jaką rolę w budowaniu wizji i zaangażowania odgrywa storytelling. W tym podcascie dowiesz się więcej.
Thoughts Become a Master at Public Speaking I know that public speaking is not an easy task. I know how stressful it may be. But guys, it is an opportunity to tell the world about what you do, to share your passion, to fundraise, to build coalitions and movements, to sell.